segunda-feira, abril 14, 2008


So here we go again... Mais uma vez assisto Oleanna com os alunos. Segundo o IMDB, "He said it was a lesson. She said it was sexual harassment. Whichever side you take, you're wrong." Mas a gente poderia dizer também: "Whichever side you take, you're right!" Os dois atores são excelentes, mas Debra Eisenstadt é simplesmente perfeita no papel de Carol.

and here it goes Mamet:

« CAROL: What gives you the right. Yes. To speak to a woman in your private... Yes. Yes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You feel yourself empowered... you say so yourself. To strut. To posture. To "perform." To "Call me in here..." Eh? You say that higher education is a joke. And treat it as such, you treat it as such. And confess to a taste to play the Patriarch in your class. To grant this. To deny that. To embrace your students.
How can you deny it. You did it to me. Here. You did... You confess. You love the Power. To deviate. To invent, to transgress... to transgress whatever norms have been established for us. And you think it's charming to "question" in yourself this taste to mock and destroy. But you should question it. Professor. And you pick those things which you feel advance you: publication, tenure, and the steps to get them you call "harmless rituals." And you perform those steps. Although you say it is hypocrisy. But to the aspirations of your students. Of hardworking students, who come here, who slave to come here —you have no idea what it cost me to come to this school— you mock us. You call education "hazing," and from your so-protected, so-elitist seat you hold our confusion as a joke, and our hopes and efforts with it. Then you sit there and say "what have I done?" »
® Vintage Books, NY, 1993.

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